When to Get a Brazilian Buttlift (BBL) Prior to Wedding?
Question: I'd like a BBL (Brazilian buttlift). I have 4 kids and I am getting married in 4 months. When should I get surgery?
Answer: If you are in good health and have a BMI (body mass index) in the lower 30s, arrange a consult with a board certified plastic surgeon who is an expert in liposuction and BBL (Brazilian buttlift) as soon as possible. Recovery from the BBL is patient dependent. Much of this depends upon the amount of liposuction performed and the amount of fat transferred. I have observed that between 4 and 6 weeks the buttocks tend to stabilize in volume. Usually by 3 months, the swelling is minimal and totally resolved by 6 months. So most patients look very good at 3 months postoperative, and it may be reasonable to schedule the surgery soon and be ready by the wedding.
Price will vary with the plastic surgeon, type of anesthesia, hospital or fully accredited surgery center fees, and geographical location. Most plastic surgeons offer financing options with the stipulation that the full cost of surgery must be paid prior to date of surgery.
Dr. Kenneth Benjamin Hughes, MD, ABPS (American Board of Plastic Surgery) Board Certified and Harvard Trained Plastic Surgeon practicing in Los Angeles, California in his state-of-the-art, fully accredited surgery center.