Tummy Tuck or Abdominoplasty Questions Answered by Dr. Kenneth Hughes, Los Angeles Plastic Surgeon
Updated: Mar 7, 2023
Question: Do I appear to have enough fat and body frame for these wish pics?
Answer: Dr. Kenneth Hughes, Los Angeles plastic surgeon, performs the liposuction, tummy tuck, and Brazilian buttlift in combination for many patients. However, if they prefer staging the procedures, Dr. Hughes may recommend the liposuction and BBL first, followed by the tummy tuck three to six months later so that the result will be as tight as possible.
A tummy tuck addresses both the loose skin and the lax abdominal wall as to give a nice, flat youthful contour to the abdomen. The tummy tuck also creates a more youthful belly button. Tummy tuck without muscle repair may make the recovery easier, but, if you have laxity in that area, the result will be better with plication. In general, the muscles should be brought to anatomic norms. The smaller the separation, the less tightening required and the less discomfort. Swelling will occur irrespective of muscle repair, and almost every patient requiring a tummy tuck will benefit from the muscle repair. Tummy tuck can be performed in conjunction with other surgeries as part of a mommy makeover.
Dr. Kenneth Hughes of Hughes Plastic Surgery will place the scar as low as possible. This will be below the level of a C-section scar and almost to the level of the leg crease. With the low scar, the scar can be concealed by virtually any piece of clothing. The key is how the tension is managed at the end of the tummy tuck.
Question: Will I get dog ears after tummy tuck surgery? Will my scar be low enough to cover with a skinny panty line?
Answer: Skin laxity does not end with the tummy tuck in many patients. You need to understand that trying to minimize the length of the scar from a tummy tuck can create this problem. Sometimes, this redundancy or puckering of the tissues at the ends of the incisions creates this appearance. Dog ears can be avoided by extending the incisions and removing additional skin and subcutaneous tissue.
Dr. Kenneth Hughes makes the incision very low, below C-section scars, which can be removed at the time of the tummy tuck. The incision is so low that bikinis may be worn afterwards. In addition, Dr. Hughes creates the best possible scar which is flat all the way across and not a smiley face. This way the ends of the scar never rise above low-cut clothing.
Question: What are your thoughts on getting a tummy tuck in addition to back & flanks liposuction?
Answer: Healthy people at their ideal weight should have the best overall recovery from a tummy tuck and liposuction, but some of this will depend upon the surgical technique and adherence to postoperative protocols. Liposuction, combined with the standard tummy tuck, will allow you to have stubborn fat resistant to exercise and diet removed from unwanted areas. A tummy tuck with muscle tightening will create a flat abdomen and would also provide the benefit of placing your incision along the lower pubic region. The tummy tuck also creates a more youthful belly button.
Question: Would I be better suited for a full tummy tuck or extended tummy tuck?
Answer: An extended tummy tuck represents a full tummy tuck and all of its components with the addition of an extended incision to the sides or toward the back. This type of extended tummy tuck will treat patients who have tremendous skin laxity on the sides or near circumferential skin laxity, most frequently observed after massive weight loss. Continue with your weight loss to enhance results. If the waist was smaller at one time, the waist can likely be reduced to those same measurements or smaller provided the muscular and fascial integrity has remained the same. A tummy tuck with muscle tightening will create a flat abdomen and would also provide the benefit of placing your incision along the lower pubic region; it also creates a more youthful belly button.
Question: Do I have enough skin for my scar from a tummy tuck to be low?
Answer: A short scar tummy tuck tightens the muscles, removes skin and fat, and gives you a new belly button all through a smaller incision. The incision is always made very low. Question: I suffer with irritable bowel syndrome constipation. I experience bloating and distention regularly. Would this prevent me from having a tummy tuck?
Answer: A tummy tuck may not be contraindicated, but the issue of fascial plication would need to be discussed among experts.
Question: Am I a good candidate for a tummy tuck and full body liposuction at 5'3 and 10.5 stone?
Answer: Healthy people at their ideal weight should have the best overall recovery from a tummy tuck and liposuction, but some of this will depend upon the surgical technique and adherence to postoperative protocols.
Liposuction is not a weight loss technique but a contouring one. The patient must have adequate skin elasticity to allow for skin retraction after surgery. If the waist was smaller at one time, the waist can likely be reduced to those same measurements or smaller provided the muscular and fascial integrity has remained the same. A tummy tuck with muscle tightening will create a flat abdomen. Additional procedures can be performed as part of a mommy makeover.
Question: How can I slim down my waist as much as possible as well as having full tummy tuck?
Answer: Every individual has a different anatomy. Ideal candidates for liposuction are at or near their ideal weight and will have good skin elasticity. If you are in good health with a BMI approaching 30, you would be a good candidate for liposuction 360. Having the low BMI enhances results and reduces the risks of complications during and after surgery. A tummy tuck can remove excessive amounts of loose abdominal skin.
Question: Am I a candidate for liposuction as I want to have a flat stomach with least invasive procedure?
Answer: Ideal candidates for liposuction are at or near their ideal weight and will have good skin elasticity. The procedure is intended to remove stubborn pockets of fat that don’t respond to regular exercise, so the skin needs to be able to smooth back into place after the procedure is complete. Liposuction breaks down and removes the fat that lies just underneath the skin. It is usually performed on areas that are notoriously resistant to diet and exercise such as the back of the upper arms, the outer thighs, the buttocks, and the stomach. Many varieties of liposuction are available including ultrasonic, smart lipo, laser, etc. The results depend very little on the method used and very much on the board certified plastic surgeon selected. Dr. Kenneth Hughes has performed thousands of liposuction procedures.