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kenneth benjamin hughes

Liposuction and then a Tummy Tuck for a Larger Patient with Thick Fat Layer

Q: Which type of Liposuction procedures are best suited for my age and fat thickness?


Many varieties of liposuction are available including ultrasonic, smart lipo, laser liposuction vaser lipo, power assisted liposuction, and conventional tumescent liposuction. The results depend very little on the method used and very much on the surgeon selected.

Your shape will be determined by how the surgeries are performed, how much tissue is undermined, how much tissue is removed, how much fat is extracted, etc. The key here is not the procedures performed but how these procedures are performed. Most patients get an immense benefit with maximal liposuction of the abdomen, sides, and back to obtain the smallest waist possible and then maximal fat transfer to the buttocks and hips. A TT with muscle tightening will create a flat abdomen and would also provide the benefit of placing your incision along the lower pubic region. I would advise performing the liposuction and BBL first. Then return 3 to 6 months later and perform the tummy tuck. This will produce better results and will add a measure of safety.

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