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kenneth benjamin hughes

Fat Loss After BBL. How Much Fat Do I Lose?

Question: A patient notices that the size of the buttock has decreased during the first 4 weeks of recovery after liposuction and Brazilian buttlift (BBL). The patient asks how much will I lose and when does the fat stop going away?

Answer: About 50% to 75% of the fat survives after the (Brazilian buttlift) BBL as the literature has demonstrated for various fat grafting procedures. Thus, results are PERMANENT after the first few months. There is admittedly variability in healing and the amount of grafted fat that will take. After observing thousands of patients during recovery at 1 week, 4 weeks, 3 months, and 6 months, Dr. Hughes has observed that the fat loss and shrinkage of the buttocks and hips stops after about 4 weeks. However, the areas that are liposuctioned will take about 6 months for the swelling to subside.

A patient should always be aware of the fact that any loss of body fat will result in a loss of fat and volume in the buttocks and hips. This is the most common reason that a patient notices a loss in volume after the 4 week period.

Dr. Kenneth Benjamin Hughes, MD, ABPS Board Certified Plastic Surgeon in Los Angeles, CA

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